Yes, iBATIS has a mechanism that allows you to do what you want to do.  It's
called Hibernate.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Alexei Sokolov <>wrote:

> Well, Microsoft Office has Excel, which is a good spreadsheet. Does ibatis
> has a mechanism that allows me to do what I want to do?
> If intented use for objectwrapper was scala, why didn't you call it
> scalaobjectwrapper? Obviously you had other potential uses in mind.
> BTW, can you point me to some scala examples? Can ibatis map java lists and
> maps to scala lists and maps?
> Thanks,
> -- Alex
> Sent from my mobile
> On Feb 24, 2010, at 6:35 PM, Clinton Begin <>
> wrote:
> What you're trying to do with ObjectWrapper is beyond its intended use. It
> was never a consideration nor an intention for the ObjectWrapper to
> instantiate objects.  ObjectWrapper was originally implemented to support
> Scala types, and perhaps to support a custom property naming convention or
> some other type (e.g. XML).
> It was not intended to change or intercept the result object lifecycle or
> override the result object entirely.
> You can call it a design problem if you like.  But it's kind of like saying
> Microsoft Word has a design problem because it isn't a very good
> spreadsheet.
> Clinton
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 11:11 AM, Alexei Sokolov <<>
>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm new here, but either I don't understand ibatis internals or you have a
>> design problem. First, let me share my understanding of how ibatis handles
>> mapping of result sets to beans:
>> In *ResultSetHandler.getRowValue() method you create object instance using
>> objectfactory. then you create metaobject for it, which in turn creates
>> objectwrapper for that object instance. Then you use meta object methods to
>> populate property values on that object instance. During this process both
>> metaobject and objectwrapper essentially write values directly to the object
>> instance returned from object factory.
>> Now, consider this scenario: let's say my object wrapper constructs
>> intermediate object first and populates its values. Than when I'm done
>> processing a row, I want to create actual object instance that will be
>> returned to the client. How do I do this with the current implementation?
>> Ideally, it will be nice if ObjectWrapper had a method, say
>> 'getPopulatedInstance()' and then line 179 in
>> FastResultSetHandler.getRowValue() (and other such places) could be
>> rewritten like
>> resultObject = foundValues ?
>> metaObject.getObjectWrapper().getPopulatedInstance() : null;
>> instead of
>> resultObject = foundValues ? resultObject : null;
>> In other words, it would be nice if objectwrapper is able to create new
>> instances in addition to being able to work as decorator.
>> Does it make sense at all?
>> Thanks,
>> Alex

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