Thanks Nathan!  This helps a lot.

I'm going to look at the release plugin.  I've been slow to get
excited about maven (still not sure that "excited" is the right term).
 But after some initial struggles, the Ibator build is far simpler
with Maven than it was with Ant.  When I added ibatis3 support to
Ibator, the new set of unit tests was a breeze to implement.

I see no reason not to eat the whole enchilada!


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Nathan Maves <> wrote:
> Hey Jeff,
> Sorry for the slow reply.  Here is the manual process I go through to
> deploy the jars.  Of course I had to get my env all set up which took
> a while.  Now a deployment is really quick.  Just build the project
> and then follow the steps below.
> On all of my other project we use the maven release plugin to do what
> you are suggesting.  It is really slick and if you need any help with
> it let me know.  I will actually change the version numbers in your
> pom from the current(should be a snapshot) to the next version, commit
> it, tag it, and then increment it to the next snapshot and commit
> that.  Really slick.
> Nathan
> ++++++++++++++++
> mkdir -p ~/apache-m2-repo/org/apache/ibatis
> cd ~/apache-m2-repo/org/apache/ibatis/ibatis-sqlmap/
> Source Deploy
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:/Users/nmaves/apache-m2-repo/ \
> -Dfile=/Users/nmaves/.m2/repository/org/apache/ibatis/ibatis-3-core/3.0-SNAPSHOT/ibatis-3-core-3.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
> \
> -DgroupId=org.apache.ibatis \
> -DartifactId=ibatis-sqlmap \
> -Dversion=3.0-beta-10 \
> -Dpackaging=java-source
> Binary Deploy
> mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:/Users/nmaves/apache-m2-repo/ \
> -Dfile=/Users/nmaves/.m2/repository/org/apache/ibatis/ibatis-3-core/3.0-SNAPSHOT/ibatis-3-core-3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> \
> -DgroupId=org.apache.ibatis \
> -DartifactId=ibatis-sqlmap \
> -Dversion=3.0-beta-10 \
> -Dpackaging=jar
> cd 3.0-beta-10/
> for i in *.jar; do gpg --output $i.asc --detach-sig --armor $i; done
> for i in *.pom; do gpg --output $i.asc --detach-sig --armor $i; done
> cd ~/apache-m2-repo/org/apache/ibatis/ibatis-sqlmap/
> scp maven-metadata.x*
> scp -r 3.0-beta-10
> +++++++++++++++++++++
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Jeff Butler <> wrote:
>> Could someone (Nathan?) answer a couple of questions for me regarding
>> the release process vis-a-vis maven:
>> 1. Do you edit the POM to change the SNAPSHOT version to a "real"
>> version, rebuild, and then change the POM back to the SNAPSHOT
>> version?
>> 2. Are you using the "mvn deploy" target to get the files to
>> Apache/Ibiblio?  If not, how do you get the files published?
>> 3. The POM in the online repository doesn't match the POM in SVN at
>> all.  Is there some manual process or other magic for changing this?
>> Thanks!
>> Jeff Butler
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