Hi everyone,

The next Iceberg community sync is currently scheduled for Wednesday, at
17:30 PDT. Please reply with topics you'd like to discuss.

Also, there has been activity on the InputFormat and Hive support that I
think people want to discuss this week, since we have two groups that have
made significant progress on different implementations. I'd like to talk
about how to get this work in, but this week's sync is scheduled for the
evening PDT, which is really late for one of the groups to join from
Europe. I think we should either move the sync to 9:00 PDT so they can join
or have a second one to discuss getting the Hive support in.

Whether we move the sync to the morning or have a second one to discuss
Hive support depends on what topics we have for people that would like to
attend from Asia time zones, so please reply with items to discuss or let
me know if you don't plan on making it.



Ryan Blue

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