> Many of these decisions can be translated together to some sort of view on
> top of a table. Consider user A has permission on table1, column c1 c2,
> sha1 hash mask on email column, row filter age > 21. This can be translated
> into a decision that user A can access a view *SELECT c1, c2, sha1(email)
> FROM table1 WHERE age > 21*.

If I understand correctly, does this mean that rest catalog needs to take
care of the translation? So the rest catalog needs to be aware of sql

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 12:38 PM Brian Olsen <bitsondata...@gmail.com>

> This may potentially be another thread, but I want to see if we can avoid
> excess work/design discussions by utilizing an open policy engine rest api (
> https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/rest-api/
> )that’s already defined and used in Trino now (
> https://trino.io/docs/current/security/opa-access-control.html).
> I know the api may be overkill for simple permissions concepts, but this
> could deflect the need for iceberg to own and manage any of the security
> primitives as I’ve seen it mentioned that we don’t want to have too much
> focus on these concepts.
> OPA seems like modern Ranger but for all apps, to me. What do you all
> think?
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 1:34 PM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you Ryan for the detailed suggestions!
>> So far, it sounds like there are in general 2 types of policy decisions:
>> 1. ones that would fail an execution if not satisfied, e.g. check
>> constraints, protected column, read/write access to storage, etc.
>> 2. ones that would amend an execution plan, e.g. column and row filters,
>> dynamic column masking, etc.
>> For the second type, there is another potential alternative direction I
>> found some systems are using. Let me also put it here, curious what people
>> think.
>> Many of these decisions can be translated together to some sort of view
>> on top of a table. Consider user A has permission on table1, column c1 c2,
>> sha1 hash mask on email column, row filter age > 21. This can be translated
>> into a decision that user A can access a view *SELECT c1, c2,
>> sha1(email) FROM table1 WHERE age > 21*.
>> Given that we already have an Iceberg view spec, the catalog can
>> potentially dynamically render such a multi-dialect view, so that table1
>> becomes a view "*SELECT c1, c2, sha1(email) FROM temp_table_12345 WHERE
>> age > 21*" where *temp_table_12345* becomes the actual underlying table
>> for enforcing type 1 decisions. (temp table is just one way to implement it
>> as an example here, more design consideration is needed)
>> This approach seems to be more flexible in the sense that catalogs can
>> develop many different styles of policy without the need for Iceberg to
>> standardize on something like expression semantics, since the Iceberg view
>> is now a standard for expressing the decision.
>> Any thoughts?
>> -Jack
>> On Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 11:58 AM Ryan Blue <b...@tabular.io> wrote:
>>> I think this is a good idea, but is definitely an area where we need to
>>> be clear about how it would work for people to build with it successfully.
>>> All it takes is one engine to ignore these as the security provided is
>>> no longer applicable.
>>> You’re right that security depends on knowing that the client is going
>>> to enforce the requirements sent by the catalog. That just means that the
>>> catalog either needs to deny access (401/403 response) or have some
>>> pre-established trust in the identity that is loading a table (or view).
>>> The current authentication mechanisms that we’ve documented have ways to
>>> do this. For example, if you’re using a token scheme you can put additional
>>> claims in the auth token when the client is trusted to enforce fine-grained
>>> access. To establish trust, you can either manually create a token for a
>>> compute service with the trust selected or we could add another OAuth2
>>> scope to request it when connecting compute engines to catalogs. Either
>>> way, we already have mechanisms to establish trust relationships between
>>> engines and catalogs so this would just be an additional capability.
>>> I worry a little bit about putting security features into the REST API
>>> that require the execution engine and catalog to agree on semantics and
>>> execution.
>>> I agree in the general case, but I think there are narrow cases where we
>>> are already handling this problem and solving those is incredibly useful. I
>>> think a critical design constraint is that this extension should be used to
>>> pass requirements — the result of policy decisions — and NOT be used to
>>> pass policy itself. (And, I would change the proposed policy field in
>>> REST responses to requirements or similar to make this clear.)
>>> Policy is complicated and it is modelled and enforced differently across
>>> products. Databases all have their own rules. For instance, in some schemes
>>> database SELECT cascades to table SELECT, while others check only the table
>>> resource for SELECT permission. I think we clearly don’t want to try to
>>> normalize or force a standard on this space. Instead, we want catalogs and
>>> access control systems to have the model that they choose. The REST
>>> protocol should communicate the decisions made by those schemes.
>>> That significantly narrows the scope of this feature. Starting with
>>> fields that can or can’t be read and filters that must be applied is a
>>> great start that covers a large number of use cases. And we already have
>>> clear semantics for Iceberg filters and for column projection. We would
>>> still need to specify additional guidance, but semantics and execution are
>>> possible to agree on if we start small.
>>> Here’s some additional guidance I would add:
>>>    - Projection: the client is not allowed to read certain fields,
>>>    specified by field ID, even if those fields are not part of the output.
>>>    This avoids leaks using queries like SELECT count(1) FROM
>>>    bank_accounts WHERE email = ? where email is a protected column.
>>>    - Filtering: rows that do not match the filter must be removed
>>>    immediately after loading the data, before rows or groups of rows are
>>>    passed to any other operator.
>>> Jack also suggested passing permissions back, which I don’t think I
>>> would include. There was some discussion about using this to identify
>>> catalogs that are secondary references; I think that’s okay but I would
>>> make it a much more narrow option, like supports-commit: false rather
>>> than specifying a set of privileges.
>>> As for the idea about sending write constraints, this is an interesting
>>> idea. I think we could make it work the same way that row and column
>>> filters would work. If the client is trusted to support it, then it is
>>> responsible for checking those constraints and not attempting to commit
>>> changes. There’s not need to complicated the commit protocol if the chain
>>> of trust includes the ability to enforce constraints. Plus, constraints may
>>> need to be known during job execution, not just at commit time, so it is
>>> better to send them when loading a table.
>>> Ryan
>>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 1:44 PM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the response JB & Micah.
>>>> > Is this intended to be information only?
>>>> I would expect the engine to honor it to some extent. Consider the case
>>>> of writing to a table, LoadTableRequest needs to be able to express this
>>>> intent of requesting write access, such that the credentials vended back in
>>>> LoadTableResponse can have write access.
>>>> > I worry a little bit about putting security features into the REST
>>>> API that require the execution engine and catalog to agree on semantics and
>>>> execution.  All it takes is one engine to ignore these as the security
>>>> provided is no longer applicable.
>>>> > I think replicating this would be challenging, since it requires
>>>> distinguishing between direct user access to the catalog and a query engine
>>>> working on a user's behalf.
>>>> Yes, I have the same concerns, that's why I am trying to gather some
>>>> community feedback here. I think it is possible to distinguish a normal
>>>> user vs a specific engine. At least in the AWS world, we figured out a way.
>>>> If an engine is accessing the Glue API, it must go through an
>>>> onboarding process
>>>> <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lake-formation/latest/dg/Integrating-with-LakeFormation.html>.
>>>> After that process, there is a shared responsibility model: any requests
>>>> from the authorized engine will contain sensitive information like
>>>> credentials, filters, etc. The engine needs to make sure that these
>>>> sensitive information are not exposed when fulfilling query executions.
>>>> Normal users calling the catalog with their personal credentials do not see
>>>> anything sensitive. This limits the end users to always use an authorized
>>>> engine for actual data read and write, which is intended.
>>>> From a feature perspective, there is an opportunity I see to create a
>>>> spec about these common security constructs that different engine
>>>> integrations can try to follow. Specific authorization mechanisms like the
>>>> one I described above can be left to the individual catalog services to
>>>> figure out.
>>>> Just looking at the initial feedback, it sounds like at least it is an
>>>> interesting idea that is worth exploring. I can provide a more detailed doc
>>>> for us to review.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jack Ye
>>>> On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 10:29 AM Micah Kornfield <emkornfi...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jack,
>>>>> I think this is an interesting idea but I think there are some
>>>>> practical concerns (I posted them inline).
>>>>> - general access patterns, like read-only, read-write, admin full
>>>>>> access, etc.
>>>>> Is this intended to be information only?  I would hope the tokens and
>>>>> REST API vending to clients would enforce these settings, so it seems like
>>>>> this would mostly be for debug purposes (e.g. if only read access is
>>>>> available, only tokens with "read" privileges are vended, or without full
>>>>> access admin rights update to the catalog would not be allowed).
>>>>> - columns that the specific caller has access to for read or write
>>>>>> - filters (maybe expressed in Iceberg expression) that should be
>>>>>> applied by the engine on behalf of the caller during a table scan
>>>>> I have a few concerns here:
>>>>> 1.  I worry a little bit about putting security features into the REST
>>>>> API that require the execution engine and catalog to agree on semantics 
>>>>> and
>>>>> execution.  All it takes is one engine to ignore these as the security
>>>>> provided is no longer applicable.  For more tightly controlled 
>>>>> environments
>>>>> this is viable but it feels like some very large consequences if users 
>>>>> make
>>>>> the wrong choice on engine or even if there is an engine using a stale 
>>>>> REST
>>>>> API client (i.e. we would need to be very careful with
>>>>> compatibility guarantees).
>>>>> 2.  The row-level security feature linked is designed so that
>>>>> end-users are not aware of which, if any, filters were applied during the
>>>>> query.  I think replicating this would be challenging, since it requires
>>>>> distinguishing between direct user access to the catalog and a query 
>>>>> engine
>>>>> working on a user's behalf.
>>>>> 3.  In terms of dialect, I imagine it would probably make sense to be
>>>>> agnostic here and follow a similar model that views are taking by allowing
>>>>> multiple dialects (or at least wait to see how the view works out in
>>>>> practice).
>>>>> For points 1 and 2 a different approach would be to introduce a new
>>>>> standard based on something like Apache Arrow's Flight or Flight SQL
>>>>> protocol that acts as a layer of abstraction between physical storage and
>>>>> security controls.
>>>>> - constraints (again, maybe expressed in Iceberg expression) that
>>>>>> should trigger the table scan or table commit to be rejected
>>>>> It feels like this should probably be part of the table spec, as in
>>>>> general, it affects the commit protocol (IIUC it is already covered
>>>>> partially with identifier-field IDs).
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Micah
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 10:42 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> I would like to get some initial thoughts about the possibility to
>>>>>> add some permission control constructs to the Iceberg REST spec. Do we
>>>>>> think it is valuable? If so, how do we imagine its shape and form?
>>>>>> The background of this idea is that, today Iceberg already supports 
>>>>>> loading
>>>>>> credentials to a table through the config field
>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/blob/main/open-api/rest-catalog-open-api.yaml#L2714-L2719>
>>>>>> in LoadTableResponse, as a basic way to control data access. We heard 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> users really like this feature and want more regarding data access 
>>>>>> control
>>>>>> and permission configuration in Iceberg.
>>>>>> For example, we could consider add a *policy* field in the REST
>>>>>> LoadTableResponse, where a policy has sub-fields that describe:
>>>>>> - general access patterns, like read-only, read-write, admin full
>>>>>> access, etc.
>>>>>> - columns that the specific caller has access to for read or write
>>>>>> - filters (maybe expressed in Iceberg expression) that should be
>>>>>> applied by the engine on behalf of the caller during a table scan
>>>>>> - constraints (again, maybe expressed in Iceberg expression) that
>>>>>> should trigger the table scan or table commit to be rejected
>>>>>> This could be the solution to some topics we discussed in the past.
>>>>>> For example, we can use this as a solution to the EXTERNAL database
>>>>>> semantics support discussion
>>>>>> <https://lists.apache.org/thread/ohqfvhf4wofzkhrvff1lxl58blh432o6>
>>>>>> by saying an external table has read-only access. We can also let the 
>>>>>> REST
>>>>>> service decide access to columns, which solves some governance issues
>>>>>> raised during the column tagging discussion
>>>>>> <https://lists.apache.org/thread/yflg8w1h87qgwc4s3qtog4l8nx8nk8m0>.
>>>>>> Outside existing discussions, this can also work pretty well with
>>>>>> popular engine vendor features like row-level security
>>>>>> <https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/row-level-security-intro>, check
>>>>>> constraint <https://docs.databricks.com/en/tables/constraints.html>,
>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>> In general, permission control and data governance is an important
>>>>>> aspect for enterprise data warehousing. I think having these constructs 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the REST spec and related engine integration could increase enterprise
>>>>>> adoption and help our vision of standardizing access through the REST
>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>> Would appreciate any thoughts in this domain! And if we have some
>>>>>> general interest in this direction, I can put up a more detailed design 
>>>>>> doc.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Jack Ye
>>> --
>>> Ryan Blue
>>> Tabular

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