Hi folks,

I'm working on a Iceberg component for Apache Camel:

Apache Camel is an integration framework, supporting a lot of
components and EIPs (Enterprise Integration Patterns, like Content
Based Router, Splitter, Aggregator, Content Enricher, ...).
Camel is very popular in a lot of use cases, like IoT, system
integration, event streamings, ...

This component provides a Camel component with:
- a Camel consumer endpoint (from) to read data from Iceberg
tables/views (scan) and create a Camel exchange
- a Camel producer endpoint (to) to write data (from Camel exchange)
to Iceberg tables/views

For instance, you can write a Camel route like this (using the
spring/blueprint DSL for instance):

<from uri="jms:queue:foo"/>
<process ref="#convertToIcebergRecords"/> <!-- optional depending on
the exchange message body -->
<to uri="iceberg:my_table?catalog=#ref"/>

This route is event driven, consuming messages from the foo JMS queue
(from Apache ActiveMQ for instance), and writing a message body to
my_table iceberg table (it's possible to use a router or multicast
EIPs to send the exchange to different tables).
NB: for the from (consumer endpoint), you can use any Camel component

You can also consume (scan) data from an Iceberg table, and send the
generated Exchange to any endpoint/route:

<from uri="iceberg:my_table?catalog=#ref"/>
<process ref="#convertFromIcebergRecords"/> <!-- optional depending on
the next steps in the route -->
<wireTap uri="direct:tap"/>
<to uri="mongodb:myDB?database=mydb&collection=foo&operation=insert"/>

This route generates exchanges from my_table Iceberg table, uses the
wiretap EIP and stores the data into a mongoDB database/collection.

If I started the component in the Iceberg repo, I think it would make
more sense to have it at camel (as Apache Beam contains the Iceberg
Thoughts ?

Comments are welcome !

NB: on a related topic, I created https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10365


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