I'm pleased to announce the release of Apache PyIceberg 0.7.0!

Once again, this large release includes the following features on a high

* Write support to partitioned tables with IdentityTransform and
TimeTransform partitions
* Support for deletes using predicates. It will drop whole files when it is
able to based on the Iceberg statistics, otherwise it will perform a
* Parallelizing writes for a given partition based on a target file size
* A new API for rendering PyArrow tables that show metadata about the
tables’ manifests, partitions, etc
* Support for evolving table partitions
* Updated schema compatibility check to be more permissive, by supporting
promotable types and subset of schemas on write
* Option to merge manifests on write when number of manifests exceeds a
* Support staging a table for creation and building a transaction
* A new table scan API to return an Arrow RecordBatchReader as opposed to a
fully materialized Arrow table
* Support for categorical and large PyArrow types on write
* A new API to add existing parquet files to a table without rewriting them
* Support for loading custom catalog

This Python release can be downloaded from:

Thank you everyone again for the amazing contributions and engagement since
the last release.


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