
I found problem with SqlQuery and binary objects. TC is green but log for
Ignite Binary Objects Queries plan on ignite-1.5 branch contains errors in

The following code leads to empty result because rows have BinaryObjectImpl
type while query arg has ValueObject type (comparison fails):

        IgniteCache<Integer, ObjectValue> cache = ignite().cache(null);

        ObjectValue val = new ObjectValue("test", 0);

        cache.put(1, val);

        QueryCursor<Cache.Entry<Integer, ObjectValue>> qry =
            cache.query(new SqlQuery<Integer,
ObjectValue>(ObjectValue.class, "_val=?").setArgs(val));

        Iterator<Cache.Entry<Integer, ObjectValue>> iter = qry.iterator();
// empty iterator

Is it known issue or I should create a ticket?

Andrey Gura
GridGain Systems, Inc.

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