Hi MyBatis community!

I'm a committer and PMC of Apache Ignite [1] project and writing to you on 
behalf of our community (+ CC-ed) to discuss an integration between our 
projects that should be useful for both sides.

In short, Apache Ignite is a high-performance, integrated and distributed 
in-memory platform for computing and transacting on large-scale data sets 
in real-time, orders of magnitude faster than possible with traditional 
disk-based or flash technologies.
Inside of our community we see a growing interest in a field of usage 
MyBatis along with Apache Ignite. There are use cases when developers/users 
wants to use Apache Ignite as MyBatis second level cache. Since such an 
interest is growing constantly we think that it's a right time to make this 

As I see MyBatis already supports second level cache for Redis, Hazelcast 
and Ehcache.

How do you usually add such components? Were they added by MyBatis guys or 
were developed by guys from Redis, Hazelcast, etc.? 

[1] https://ignite.apache.org/


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