
during debugging of failed test
(GridSessionCheckpointSelfTest.testSharedFsCheckpoint) I've noticed that
GridTaskWorker can invoke reduce() method in caller thread.

If task isn't annotated by @ComputeTaskMapAsync then mapping job will be
run in caller thread. Since job mapping will be finished
processDelayedResponses() method will be invoked and if delayed responses
queue isn't empty then caller thread can invoke reduce() method eventually
and perform reducing synchronously.

It can be usefull in case of synchronous execution but, IMHO, it is very
strange behavior for asynchronous case because user expects that method
will return after creation of task.

Similar behavior is possible for all places where code invokes
GridTaskProcessor.execute() method (IgniteCompute.broadcast(),
IgniteCAche.size(), REST handlers, etc.)

I see three options in order to fix the problem:

1. Remove GridTaskWorker.processDelayedResponses() method and all calls.
Perhaps, performance can sufer a little bit (but I'm not sure).

2. Add special flag to execute method (e.g. usePool) that will give
guarantees that task will not be executed in caller thread. Of course this
flag should be add for all methods in call chain.

3. Use task process thread context (GridTaskProcessor.thCtx) and special
key that will represent requirement about execution task in pool similar to
usePool flag.

In case of 2nd and 3rd options we should analyze every usage of
GridTaskProcessor.execute() method and solve should caller thread execute
task or not.

Maybe I missed something and there is better way to solve this problem.

I will be grateful for any advice or idea.

Andrey Gura
GridGain Systems, Inc.

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