
Thanks! How do you think, is there a way to validate this on the earlier
stages and throw more descriptive exception? Currently this looks like a
usability issue.


On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 8:05 PM, Igor Rudyak <irud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Valentin,
> You are right - the reason is in "id" field. According to the persistence
> descriptor, cache key will be stored in "id" field, but at the same time
> User POJO class also has such field. There are several options to fix this:
> 1) Specify another column mapping for Ignite cache key. For example:
> <keyPersistence class="java.util.UUID" strategy="PRIMITIVE" column="userId" />
> 2) Specify non default column mapping for "id" field in User class. Here
> are the options to do this:
>    a) Mark "id" field by *@QuerySqlField* annotation and specify name
> which is differ than "id". For example:
> *       @QuerySqlField(name="userId")*
>    b) Manually specify columns mapping for User class in xml persistence
> descriptor and make sure that "id" field is mapped to something differ that
> "id". For example:
> <valuePersistence class="*****.User" strategy="POJO">
>     <field name="id" column="userId"/>
>     <field name="name" />
> </valuePersistence>
> 3) Manually specify columns mapping for User class in xml persistence
> descriptor and omit "id" field - such a way "id" field from User class
> simply will not be persisted into Cassandra table. Which makes sense if you
> already have absolutely the same value for Ignite cache key - you don't
> need to save the same value twice into two different columns. Example:
> <valuePersistence class="*****.User" strategy="POJO">
>     <field name="name" />
> </valuePersistence>
> Regards,
> Igor Rudyak
> On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 7:15 PM, Valentin Kulichenko <
> valentin.kuliche...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Igor,
>> Will you have a chance to take another look at user's issue [1]? As far
>> as I understand, this happens because the key column name is "id" and there
>> is "id" field in the value class. Is this a valid configuration?
>> [1] http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/Ignite-
>> with-Cassandra-td7242.html
>> -Val

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