Alexander, added you to the contributors list. Please check that you can assign 
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> On Dec 28, 2016, at 2:15 AM, Александр Меньшиков <> wrote:
> Username: sharpler
> Full Name: Alexander Menshikov
> 2016-12-27 22:57 GMT+03:00 Denis Magda < 
> <>>:
> Alexander,
> I need to know your JIRA ID in order to add you to the contributors list.
> As for your questions, this situation might be caused by the race when a 
> cache is being stopped and there are still scan queries running in parallel. 
> So, in general it’s not about data loss.
> Sam, Alex G., could you share your thoughts in regards to the proper fix?
> —
> Denis
> > On Dec 26, 2016, at 2:43 AM, Александр Меньшиков < 
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone.
> >
> > I want to pick up * 
> > <>
> > < 
> > <>>* as my
> > first issue.
> >
> > Please add me as contributor.
> >
> > I already found that: in inner class
> > 'GridCacheQueryAdapter.ScanQueryFallbackClosableIterator' in constructor is
> > called with method 'init()', but method 'init()' cannot be called with an
> > empty field 'nodes'. In source code it looks like:
> >
> > private ScanQueryFallbackClosableIterator(int part, GridCacheQueryAdapter
> > qry,
> >            GridCacheQueryManager qryMgr, GridCacheContext cctx) {
> >            this.qry = qry;
> >            this.qryMgr = qryMgr;
> >            this.cctx = cctx;
> >            this.part = part;
> >
> >            nodes = fallbacks(cctx.discovery().topologyVersionEx());
> >            // !!! Here nodes.isEmpty()==true, and init() will fail in the
> > future. !!!
> >            init();
> >        }
> >
> > I can fix it by adding some check in code, but i must know what behavior
> > are best in this case? As I understand it, the list of nodes is empty if
> > there are no nodes with the current partition, which means data loss, and
> > either need to return a meaningful exception, or ignore this situation. But
> > maybe I missed something.

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