I would like to help the Apache Ignite website attract more web traffic. To
do that, I can launch an SEO audit of the website. The goals of the audit
would be to:


*         - Make sure the site is easily crawled by search engines

*         - Find any duplicate content and recommend strategies for
addressing it

*        -  Determine if there are thin content / poor quality content
problems on the site

*        -  Recommend improvements to title tags and on page content

*         - Recommend strategies to more effectively pursue the long tail of

*         - Research and identify other SEO problems and opportunities on
the site


To do this, we will need to work on the following:


*         - Crawl the site using a crawl tool which provides insight into
the site architecture, potential structural problems, problems with titles,
meta descriptions, duplicate content, and more

*         - A detailed examination of Google Search Console (formerly Google
Webmaster Tools) for the site.  Google Search Console will provide direct
insight into how Google sees the site.

*         - A review of Google Analytics information for the site.  This
provides another viewpoint into potential problems, and opportunities, for
the site.

*         - A comprehensive human review of the pages of the site.  This
will pick up many more types of issues that might not otherwise emerge from
the above listed tools.


If there are no objections, I would like to start the project within the
next week. The project will take about two months to complete and I will
post a summary of the findings and recommendations here.




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