
Our SQL engine becomes more and more sophisticated. Initially we had only
SELECTs, now we have DML, in AI 2.x we will have DDL.

This is very cool, but it seems that we completely forgot about extending
our native SQL API (IgniteCache.query, SqlQuery, SqlFieldsQuery) in
response to these changes. For example:

1) How one should execute DML/DDL command and validate the result?
int updateCnt = IgniteCache.query(SqlQuery).getAll().get(0);

Counter-intuitive and too verbose.

2) How one should perform batched operations? One by one?

I think it is time to rework our API so that it supports all recent
features in consistent way and is extensible enough for future improvements
(e.g. transactional SQL).

Probably we can take ideas behind JDBC standard as starting point and move
SQL to separate API. Several very rough examples:

1) Getting facade:
IgniteSql sql = ignite.sql("MY_SCHEMA");

2) Running SELECT:
QueryCursor<K, V> cursor = sql.select(SqlCommand);
QueryCursor<List<?>> cursor = sql.selectFields(SqlCommand); // No more need
for separate SqlQuery and SqlQueryFields classes.

3) Running DML/DDL:
SqlCommandResult res = sql.execute(SqlCommand);
int updatedCnt = sql.execute(SqlCommand);

4) Running batch commands:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(...).addBatch(arg1).addBatch(arg2);
SqlCommandResult res = sql.execute(cmd);

5) Re-use query parsing results (PreparedStatement):
SqlCommand qry = sql.prepare("SELECT ...");

Our JDBC driver is not applicable here because it is either not peformant
enough (V1), or starts unnecessary client inside (V2).

Thoughts? Does anyone else think it is time to re-approach SQL API?


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