The events are proved to be unreliable. If a node doesn’t send a cache event 
due to a failure then it’s burden of an application to handle   topology change 
events, checking for undelivered events, etc. This doesn’t sound like a 
straightforward solution to me.

Any other thoughts? Yakov, as one of main maintainers of the compute grid, 
please step in.


> On Feb 3, 2017, at 5:38 PM, Dmitriy Setrakyan <> wrote:
> Why can't we use a cache event, e.g. storing some flag in cache at the end
> of task 1 to notify that task 2 needs to be started?
> We cannot create an API for absolutely every possible task event. I can
> come up with many other possible permutations for task sequencing, e.g.
> task 2 starts in the middle of task 1. I think that the proper way here is
> to use other system events on the user side to possibly trigger some task
> execution here.
> D.
> On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Valentin Kulichenko <
>> wrote:
>> I think this definitely should be part of Compute Grid API. We can then
>> implement ScheduledExecutorService based on this API (similar to existing
>> ExecutorService implementation which is based on existing compute API), but
>> it should be a separate task.
>> -Val
>> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 3:42 PM, Denis Magda <> wrote:
>>> Igniters,
>>> Conjure the cases when a task (aka. distributed computation):
>>> - has to executed in an hour or
>>> - its execution has to be triggered only the other task completes.
>>> The first time-based case is partially supported by Ignite’s executor
>>> service. However, it has a significant flaw - a task scheduling happens
>>> locally on a node and if the node goes down the task will never be
>> executed.
>>> The second case is not supported at all but will be nice to have.
>>> The question is how would you implement this API? I see at least three
>>> options here:
>>> Extend Compute Grid API by adding ‘scheduleTask(…)’ and
>>> ‘executeTasks(tasksChain)’ like methods. This is my preferred component
>>> because it has all the interfaces needed to implement computations, it
>>> supports runnables/callables, it’s empowered with the peer-class-loading
>>> feature.
>>> Service Grid API might be a candidate for this but then ‘task’ will be
>>> equal to ‘service’ and we can’t take advantage of the peer-class-loading.
>>> Extend Ignite’s executor service making existing scheduling methods
>>> independent of the local node and add a method like
>>> 'executeTasks(tasksChain)’ for tasks chaining. However, this component
>>> supports simple runnables/callables and doesn’t have fine-grained
>> interface
>>> like ComputeTask/ComputeJob that add more flexibility for complex
>> scenarios.
>>> My preference is to design the API basing on compute grid. What’s your
>>> thoughts on this? Bring the up!
>>> —
>>> Denis

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