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On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 2:44 PM, Valentin Kulichenko <
valentin.kuliche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This will not work. WebSessionV2 does not reinvent the wheel, it provides
> additional functionality. In particular, allows to use the same session in
> a clustered environment.
> Genuine session is local, so if you just rely on it, all session data will
> be lost when server that holds this session fails. Your listeners will not
> be invoked as well, BTW. That's exactly what we're trying to avoid by
> introducing this feature.
> However, I agree that there is an issue with expiration. It's currently
> handled based on ExpiryPolicy, i.e., if maxInactiveInterval is set, session
> will be removed from the cache. But looks like we do not invalidate the
> genuine session, which is wrong.
> I think we should add a CacheEntryListener that will listen to expirations
> and handle all required post actions - invalidation of genuine session and
> invoking the listeners.
> -Val
> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:59 AM, yucigou <yuci....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Val,
>> The mechanism is similar to the implementation of invalidate() of the
>> WebSessionV2 class. The {@link #invalidate()} action is delegated to the
>> genuine session. Similarly, actions setAttribute(), removeAttribute(), and
>> setMaxInactiveInterval() should be delegated to the genuine session. This
>> way, the web container can do to the session whatever it promises to do,
>> such as calling the HttpSessionBindingListener's valueUnbound callback
>> function, etc.
>> If you look at the HttpSession interface, this is the whole list of APIs
>> concerned:
>> * setAttribute()
>> * removeAttribute()
>> * setMaxInactiveInterval()
>> * invalidate()
>> * putValue()
>> And putValue() has been covered by setAttribute() in WebSessionV2
>> There are two main reasons that WebSessionV2 should delegate to the
>> genuine
>> session:
>> 1. Avoid re-inventing the wheel. The web container has already implemented
>> the related APIs.
>> 2. WebSessionV2 is not visible to the web container. When the web
>> container
>> decides to expire the session, it will not reach the WebSessionV2
>> implementation. And this is exactly where I had the problem in the first
>> place.
>> By the way, thanks for pointing out removing attributes, I've made another
>> pull request on GitHub:
>> https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/2243
>> Also I can't assign the ticket to myself because of lack of permission:
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-5607
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://apache-ignite-developer
>> s.2346864.n4.nabble.com/It-seems-WebSession-s-removeAttri
>> bute-does-not-support-HttpSessionBindingListener-tp19184p19575.html
>> Sent from the Apache Ignite Developers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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