Hi all,

I'm triyng to clarify for myseft issue [1] of rewriting this test case to
use multiple JVMs. I'm trying to reproduce it using steps described here
As I correct understand issue description, I'm runing testJobIdCollision
and expecting to get exception:
"Received computation request with duplicate job ID"
, but I've got:
"Job has already been hold [ctx=GridJobContextImpl
[jobId=f7e74a1d161-08edbe47-9b65-4ed2-8d0c-a8a1a6700003, timeoutObj=null,

So, does this test-case actual or can be removed? Or we should use
another IgniteCallable<Object>
like othis one: IgniteWalRecoveryTest.LoadRunnable [4]?

Also, IgniteClusterProcessProxy#forNodeId [3] doesn't implemented yet.
Brief search for some JIRA's of implementation this method doesn't return
What should we do with this?

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-4706
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-1384

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