
We have uploaded a 2.4.0 release candidate to

Git tag name is

This release includes the following changes:

* Introduced Baseline Affinity Topology
* Ability to disable WAL for cache in runtime through IgniteCluster API or
* Added ability to convert WAL to human-readable form
* Ability to enable/disable JDBC, ODBC and thin client endpoints
* Project moved to Java 8
* Java 7 is no longer supported
* Apache Ignite can be run on Java 9
* Introduced Apache Ignite packaging with RPM
* Spark Data Frames support
* Added integration with Spring 3.x
* Added handler to stop node when IO error is encountered
* EvictionPolicyFactory support added to CacheConfiguration
* Added JMX metrics for memory regions
* Added detailed memory consumption on start and OOM reporting
* Added custom thread pools monitoring
* Support Ignite MR in Kerberized environment without IGFS
* S3 IP finder: support server side encryption and bucket endpoint
* Multiple fixes and performance optimizations

* Thin Client initial release
* .NET Core / Linux / macOS support
* Mono platform support
* Removed C++ JNI layer

* Added DEFAULT support to CREATE TABLE command
* Added INLINE_SIZE option to CREATE INDEX command
* Added PARALLEL option to CREATE INDEX command
* Added optional on-heap row cache
* INSERT command now can be executed without explicit column names (INSERT
INTO table VALUES ...)
* Allowed multiple caches to share the same schema
* Added support for Java 8 Date and Time API
* Added "notNull" property to QuerySqlField annotation
* Improved COUNT(*) performance
* Fixed a problem causing an exception in certain nodes do not have primary
partitions for REPLICATED cache
* Fixed per-thread H2 connection leak.
* Fixed partition exchange hang due to SQL query running inside a

JDBC Driver:
* Optimized batched operations processing

ODBC Driver:
* Added support of multiple statements execution with one call
* Added support of SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT
* Optimized batched operations processing
* Proper handling of ungraceful TCP disconnects (keep-alive connection)
* Fixed error preventing close of executed DML statement
* Fixed table names returned by SQLTables for DDL-created tables

Machine Learning:
* Implemented Fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Implemented gradient descent for OLS Linear Regression
* Implemented K nearest neighbor algorithm
* Introduced API for datasets
* Introduced API for ML model and trainers
* Introduced common mechanism for group training of models
* Added distributed version of multilayer perceptron
* Added local version of multilayer perceptron
* Added basic import/export functionality for ml models
* Added decision tree algorithm
* Performance optimizations for distributed operations

Web Console:
* Implemented component for cluster selection and activation
* Implemented support for multiple statements on Queries screen
* Implemented progress indication for 'execute', 'scan' and 'export'
actions on Queries screen
* Added support for ClientConnectorConfiguration
* Added several SQL examples on Queries screen
* Added "Connected clusters" component in header
* Added support for custom SMTP server configuration
* Added detection of CSV separator based on browser locale
* Added "Copy to clipboard" action on Queries screen
* Added duration and node ID in results header and 'Show query' modal
* Improved support for binary JDBC types on import from RDBMS
* Fixed Web Console under IE11
* Fixed configuration generation for imported model in case of Oracle
NUMBER(5) data type
* Fixed output of big numbers in SQL query results

* Added "-quiet" flag for batch mode
* Added ability to start cache rebalance
* Added output of data region metrics to "node" command
* Added dialog to put/get/remove values to/from cache for simple key types
* Show valid message for caches when cluster is inactive
* Fixed 'cache -a' in case of node filter
* Fixed reading last command line in batch mode
* Updated eviction policy factory in configs

Complete list of closed issues:



Please start voting.

+1 - to accept Apache Ignite 2.4.0-RC1
0 - don't care either way
-1 - DO NOT accept Apache Ignite 2.4.0-RC1 (explain why)

This vote will go for 72 hours.


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