Hi, Igniters!

I’m working on ssh module and found some code duplicates in

1. Tests testRestartNodesByIds and testRestartNodesByIdsC are fully
duplicate themself [1]. I tried to found what differences should they have
and looked at similar tests: testStopNodesByIds and testStopNodesByIdsC
[2]. It relates to the second point.

2. The only difference is that in testStopNodesByIds we stop nodes by
passing HashSet of Ids and in testStopNodesByIdsC we stop by passing
ArrayList of Ids. In my opinion it does not matter, because stopNodes
methods have Collection as argument and we can pass to it both HashSet and
ArrayList. So, I think that code in these tests are also duplicate each

What do you think? Can we remove one of these tests in both cases?



Ivan Fedotov.


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