Hi Folks,

It seems it is a flaky failure, which unluckily failed 3 times in a row.

Dmitriy Pavlov

чт, 16 авг. 2018 г. в 13:34, <dpavlov.ta...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Ignite Developer,
> I am MTCGA.Bot, and I've detected some issue on TeamCity to be addressed.
> I hope you can help.
>  *    New test failure in master
> TcpCommunicationSpiSkipMessageSendTest.testClientSegmented
> https://ci.ignite.apache.org/project.html?projectId=IgniteTests24Java8&testNameId=-3225493048753223945&branch=%3Cdefault%3E&tab=testDetails
>  No changes in build
>         - If your changes can led to this failure(s), please create issue
> with label MakeTeamCityGreenAgain and assign it to you.
>         -- If you have fix, please set ticket to PA state and write to dev
> list fix is ready
>         -- For case fix will require some time please mute test and set
> label Muted_Test to issue
>         - If you know which change caused failure please contact change
> author directly
>         - If you don't know which change caused failure please send
> message to dev list to find out
> Should you have any questions please contact dpav...@apache.org or write
> to dev.list
> Best Regards,
> Notification generated at Thu Aug 16 13:34:41 MSK 2018

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