
could you please sign up to the wiki and share your ID. I will set
necessary permissions.

Dmitriy Pavlov

пн, 24 сент. 2018 г. в 14:57, Dmitrii Ryabov <>:

> Hello, Igniters!
> I propose to create page about TeamCity Helper on the wiki and move here
> information about Helper from the MTCGA page.
> Also, I want to add instruction about how to use TCH to comment JIRA:
> 1. Start "Run All" build for PR on TeamCity.
> 2. Check failures and fix possible blockers.
> * Go to
> * Fill the form "Check branch/PR" with branch from TeamCity
> ("pull/<pull-request-number>/head"). Leave base branch empty and press
> "Latest" button to compare with the latest master.
> 3. Comment JIRA ticket with TeamCity Helper message containing analisys
> results:
> * Go to
> * Fill the form "Notify JIRA" with branch from TeamCity (or
> "<pull-request-number>" only). If PR is named according to contributing
> guide (name starts with "IGNITE-"), you can leave ticket field empty.
> Otherwise - enter JIRA ticket number.

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