Hello, Igniters.

As you may know, we successfully implement TDE. Phase-1 feature. [1]
This improvement allows users to use an encrypted cache.

To make TDE production ready I propose to extend it with two things:

        * Master key rotation.
        * Cache key rotation.

Such features required by many security standards such as PCI DSS [2] and GDPR 

I think it would be easier to discuss, implement and review both features 
So my plan is the following:

        * TDE. Phase-2 - Master key rotation [4]
        * TDE. Phase-3 - Cache key rotation. [5]

I prepared designs for both parts.
I want to specifically discuss Phase-2 design. 
Phase-3 design state is [EARLY DRAFT].
I propose to use Phase-3 design as a reference to make sure we have a 
consistent view of all aspects of TDE
and can be implemented without significant changes in earlier parts.

Below, my design.
Following changes will be made in confluence [4].
Please, share your feedback.

        Key rotation required in case of it compromising or at the end of 
crypto period(key validity period). 

        To implement the ability to rotate master encryption key. 

New processes: 
        1. Master key rotation.
        2. Removal of a master key.  

New administrator commands: 
        1. Master keys view: node -> master key hash 
        2. Cache group keys view: node -> group name -> encryption key hash 

        Process start: 
                Administrator initiates key rotation via  some kind of user 
interface(CLI, Visor, Web Console, JMX, etc). 

        Process description: 
                Message is sent by discovery. 
                A Message should contain: 
                        * Master cache key encrypted with the current master 

                When server node processed message following actions are 
                        * Blocks creation of encrypted cache key. 
                        * Encrypt cache group keys with new master key. 
                        * Unblock creation of encrypted cache key. 
                New joining node should also change the current master key with 
the new one. 

        Process completion: 
                The administrator initiates process completion via the 
interface by using “master key removal” command. 
                Design assumes an administrator will check that all nodes 
successfully change master key and all required nodes are alive. 

        Process start: 
                Administrator initiates process via some kind of user 
interface(CLI, Visor, WebConsole, JMX, etc), 

        Process description: 
                Message is sent by discovery. 
                Message should contain: 
                        * New master key hash. 
                When a server node processed message following actions are 
                Received master key hash compared with known master key hash. 
                Previous master key removed using configured EncryptionSPI. 

        Master key hashes. 
                Input: nothing 
                Output: List of Tuples3 
                        * Node ID 
                        * Current key hash 
                        * Previous key hash or null. 
        Cache key hashes. 
                Input: cache id. 
                Output: List of Tuples3 
                        * Node ID 
                        * Current key hash 
                        * Previous key hash or null. 

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-8260
[2] https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/PCI_DSS_v3-2-1.pdf
[3] https://gdpr-info.eu/
[4] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=95652381
[5] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=95652384

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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