
When I was working with flaky tests, I was surprised that one of the
reasons for failure was a log appender blocking the console.

I suppose it happened because of a TeamCity agent communicating with java
out through Linux pipe. This is a problem for tests with 1GB log history.

Our test by default writes logs into 2 sources, such as the console and the
file. I'm going to change mode for the console at IGNITE_QUIET=true and
write only warn and error logs in it. Also, I’ll include a diagnostic log
into it.

You will be able to read the previous log from the Artifacts tab in your

This is a solution which has advantages:

1. First of all, we’ll cut down the space usage pre-test run by ~6-7 times.
For example - it's 1GB of saved space for 1 suit like "Cache (Restarts) 1".

2. We’ll be able to use a new space for long history storage for builds.

3. The TeamCity bot won't be lagging when it parses a large file.

4. Possibly some of tests won't be flaky.

5. And finally, the time of running my suite will be cut down by 5-7

Also, I'm going to make a workaround for previous behavior. For example,
this flag will be added to build params. But I should investigate it.

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