+5,327 −59
What about the current compatibility framework?
I see no removal or updates.

>> Each new version is represented by a single pom
Sound not good.
Could you please share examples for each feature you mentioned?

Anyway. I don't like the idea to implement something new instead of
improving the existing.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 6:48 PM Pavel Kovalenko <jokse...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Igniters,
> I would like to start a discussion about replacement existing
> persistence compatibility test framework with the newer version.
> The main purpose of that action is simplifying compatibility tests
> development and support.
> The current version of the test framework has 3 disadvantages:
> 1) It's uncomfortable to add and support new versions of Ignite product.
> When a new version has released a developer must manually add new test
> methods to all existing test suites to support the new product version.
> 2) Manual maven dependency through java api.
> If a new version of Ignite product has some specific dependency version
> (like H2) a developer should take care about and manually cover this case
> using java api.
> 3) It doesn't cover the case when some code which works on the current
> version will not work on older versions due to compile/runtime
> incompatibility.
> A new version of the framework that is under development right now [1]
> doesn't have such problems.
> Here is a list of key features and possibilities:
> 1) One codebase - multiple versions support.
> The key feature of the new framework is significant simplifying adding and
> supporting the new versions of Ignite product.
> Each new version is represented by a single pom file that contains Ignite
> dependencies of specific version (core, indexing, etc.). All subdependecies
> like H2 are covered by Maven automatically.
> To add a new version for compatibility a developer just need to add a new
> pom file with a new version of Ignite. All existing tests will
> automatically detect the new version and will run tests against this
> version without additional changes. This feature covers p. 1 and 2 of the
> existing framework.
> 2) Unified API to access and run code on old and new versions of Ignite.
> Each of Ignite instance is represented by remote JVM with a single point of
> interaction - running abstract closures. Each closure is just a class which
> implement a "runner interface". Each closure object is serialized to a file
> through Xstream library and executed on remote Ignite JVM. This approach
> gives unified access to interact with both old and new versions of Ignite
> and simplifies overall tests development.
> 3) Ignite versions support for closures. Sometimes a closure couldn't be
> run on newer or older Ignite version due to compile/runtime incompatibility
> of that code. To resolve this problem a special annotation has introduced.
> This annotation named as "@Since" contains minimal possible Ignite product
> version where annotated closure can be compiled and run. Such closures are
> processed on Ignite versions compile phase and this makes it possible to
> use one closure for multiple Ignite versions without additional code
> changes. Closures and versioning resolve p. 3 of the existing framework.
> [1] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-11133
> I would like to hear any opinions about the new framework.

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