Hey Igniters,

I'd like us to brainstorm how to solve the following usability issue.

A user starts developing an app and can change the data model via a
configuration or DDL frequently. However, if there is an incompatible data
model change like a type/field modification Ignite will fail to restart or
begins throwing "wrong data type" exceptions.

A solution for these scenarios is to clean the "marshaller/" folder. Guess
who knows this trick? A few of us. Had to do this all the time while baking
a demo for one of the recent shows and here is a good example of users'

How do you see this needs to be addressed considering:

   1. Current Ignite serialization format - a special message that explains
   what to clean and where or some sort of automation?
   2. Future storage independent format - when binary serialization logic
   will be revisited. @Alex Goncharuk, please step in.


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