Hello, Andrey.

Thanks for starting this discussion.

> 1. There is no unified approach to adding metrics during development.

Yes, we have it.
Just call `MetricRegistry#longMetric` or other method and you got your counter.

> Now the logic is spread throughout the code base and there is now any
> way to find proper place where particular metric could be added to the
> registry

You should obtain your counter in the place where it be updated or exported.
If you update the same counter in several place, it seems to be as a bad code 
design which should be investigated.

I treat this as a feature that adds flexibility to the Ignite code.

> Moreover, we can create registry in one place and add some
> set of metrics to the registry in another place and we have many
> examples of it.

What's wrong with this approach?
I treat this as a feature, also.

> Of course, metrics API allows it and it is meaningful drawback from my point 
> view

The goal of Metric API was simplifying of metric creation.
Because, in the past years Ignite doesn't have a way to create meaningfull 
I know many cases where specific metrics was not implemented because of 
development complexity.

From my point of view, we shouldn't complicate process of creation of specific 
It will slow down creation of new metric therefore slow down product evolving.

> 2. Introduce MetricRegistryBuilder that returns immutable instance of 
> MetricRegistry

If we want immutable MetricRegistry we can create simple POJO objects with 
metric getters as follows

public class CacheMetric {
        public LongMetric putsCount() { ... }
        public LongMetric getsCount() { ... }

and export it using `AttributeWalker` approach I implement in System View 
There is no need for a HashMap unified solution.

We can extend `AttibuteWalkerGenerator` to generate all required boilerplace 
code (for enabling/disabling metrics, etc.)

I want to bold my statement: We should keep metric creation as simple as we can.
Developer of specific metric shouldn't change dozens of static interfaces, 
implementations, enable/disable methods.
It should only update metric in the specific places in core code.

В Пн, 26/08/2019 в 20:36 +0300, Andrey Gura пишет:
> Hi, Igniters!
> I'm working on some metrics related aspects and it seems that we have
> missed some points regarding the metrics management. There are at
> least two major problems from my point of view.
> Problem definition.
> ---------------------------
> 1. There is no unified approach to adding metrics during development.
> It would be grate to have one common place where developer should add
> new metrics or can find answer for question "What kind of metrics do
> we have for smth?". I talk only about Ignite internal metrics, not
> user's metrics.
> Now the logic is spread throughout the code base and there is now any
> way to find proper place where particular metric could be added to the
> registry. Moreover, we can create registry in one place and add some
> set of metrics to the registry in another place and we have many
> examples of it.
> Of course, metrics API allows it and it is meaningful drawback from my
> point view. MetricRegistry is mutable and could be modified at any
> place of the code and any time of program execution. It  allows
> developer follow the simplest way which is usually wrong. Also
> GridMetricManager.registry() method has two responsibilities: it
> creates and lookups registries. When I see registry() method call in
> the code I can't assume what exactly intention had developer (is it
> first creation of registry or modification of existing registry).
> 2. There is no unified approach to enabling/disabling metrics.
> Here I mean both problems: runtime enabling/disabling and code design
> that should allow do it in proper way. There is JIRA issue [1] about
> it.
> Now some metrics can be enabled/disabled in static configuration and
> at runtime (cache metrics for example) and other don't have such
> functionality. It should be unified. Any metrics set (eq.
> MetricRegistry in current implementation) should have one unified
> approach for enabling/disabling. Also we should provide infrastructure
> for it as part of metrics framework.
> Proposed solution.
> ---------------------------
> 1. Introduce new interface, e.g. MetriсSource that is responsible for
> metrics life cycle for one metrics source (e.g. cache metrics, system
> metrics, etc.) Each component with metrics should register own
> implementation of this interface in metrics manager
> (GridMetricManager).
> Interface declares the following methods:
> - String name() - returns sources name that will be available in
> special MBean responsible for access for metrics manager.
> - MetricRegistry enable() - returns MetricRegistry instance with
> allready registered metrics. Metric registry has the same name as name
> returned by MetricSource.name() method. This method can be invoked on
> node start (if metrics are statically enabled) or as result of metric
> enabling via MBean. As result all instance of MetricSource will have
> all metric instances initialized and MetricRegistry must be added to
> the registries map by GridMetricManager.
> - void disable() - Should be invoked after removing corresponding
> MetricRegistry from GridMetricManager.registries. The responsibility
> is destroying of all metric instances (just assign null). This method
> can be invoked during stopping component (e.g. cache stop, index
> removing) or as result of metric disabling via MBean.
> - boolean enabled() - Actual state for current implemntation.
> NOTE 1: Adding/removing metric registries in GridMetricManager should
> be performed with copy-on-write semantic in order to avoid possible
> data races in related threads (e.g. exporters). It also allows avoid
> data copy during exporting (just use link to the registries). Also we
> can avoid using ConcurrentHashMap in such case. But of course
> additional copies will be created per each registries map
> modification. But we assume that it isn't frequent operation.
> NOTE 2: MetricSource interface specific implementation is also
> responsible for keeping direct references to metric instances and also
> for functionality related with metric values calculation (including
> checking whether metrics are enabled or not).
> NOTE 3: GridMetricManager is responsible for
> registration/deregistration of MBeans corresponding to each metrics
> source. GridMetricManager is responsible for proper actions sequence
> (e.g. we should first create metric registry and after it add it to
> registries collection).
> At this point we have:
> - Way to find out all metrics in the system just navigating throughout
> all implementations of MetricSource interface.
> - Unified approach to metric creation.
> - Unified approach to metric enabling/disabling at runtime.
> 2. Introduce MetricRegistryBuilder that returns immutable instance of
> MetricRegistry. It will force developer to write code related with
> metric creation at exactly one place. It also allows to avoid
> MetricRegistry modification at runtime. Also we should remove
> GridMetricRegistry.registry() method and introduce two new methods:
> register(MetricRegistry) and unregister(String registryName). Each
> method should assert that no old value for register() case or registry
> was deleted for unregister case (we have some problems with it now,
> e.g. for cache with near cache configuration).
> At this point we have some additional guaranties of proper metrics
> framework usage. Such design also will allow optimize metric exporters
> because it can sure that metric registry will not modified at runtime
> with out removing and conseqent adding registry to the
> GridMetricManager.registires map.
> 3. Introduce MetricManagementMBean that returns list of all metric
> sources with boolean flag that indicates whether metrics are enabled
> or disabled for this source. List of all sources should be supported
> by GridMetricManager (so metricSources collection should be added and
> accessors).
> This MBean also should provide methods for enabling and disabling metrics.
> At this point we have interface for enabling/disabling metrics via JMX
> and basis for implementation other tools (e.g. we can manage metrics
> via control.sh after additional development).
> All current metrics related code should be refactored accordingly this
> proposal and it is most complex and time consuming part.
> I'm ready to do all this things. Also anybody can implement and contribute 
> this.
> But first I would like to hear your thoughts and ideas.
> Thanks!
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-11927

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