
I am amazed by Apache Ignite and its features!
For my use case integrating with Google Cloud Pub/Sub and Amazon SQS would
help getting the most out of it.

Since developing those streamers is something I would do in any case, I
would like to get involved in your project and therefore give back to the
project and make those features available to the community.

I have contributed to projects such as the InfluxDB Java Driver and Alpakka.
Part of my every day work has to do with implementing solutions in the
cloud, thus I can contribute to the streaming solutions that have to do
with Cloud Providers. Particularly with the GCP Pub/Sub and AWS SQS as well
as other Cloud Based Messaging systems such as Azure Storage Queues.
Also I would like to propose on adding a streamer implementation for cache
invalidation as I have some use cases in need of it.

You can find me on LinkedIn (link in my signature) and get to know my
background a little more.

Thanks for your great work so far!

*Emmanouil Gkatziouras* |

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