Hi, Igniters.

The discovery custom message interface has two methods the use of
which is not clear to developers:

1. The stopProcess() method. Currently, it works only if the zookeeper
discovery configured. It doesn't work in TcpDiscoverySpi. I did not
find any usages of this method except tests. I suggest to remove it
from the discovery custom message interface.

2. The isMutable() method. It works in TcpDiscoverySpi but not in the
zookeeper SPI. Using this method is opaque to the developer when he
wants to add new features to the project. In general, it cannot be
used because may not be supported depending on the configuration.
Perhaps some functionality that uses it is not working correctly with
zookeeper configured. It seems we should avoid it in the custom
message interface too.


Best wishes,
Amelchev Nikita

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