+1 to "In place re-encryption".

- It has a simple design.
- Clusters under load may require just load to re-encrypt the data.
(Friendly to load).
- Easy to throttle.
- Easy to continue.
- Design compatible with the multi-key architecture.
- It can be optimized to use own WAL buffer and to re-encrypt pages without
restoring them to on-heap.

On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 1:54 AM Pavel Pereslegin <xxt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Igniters.
> Recently, master key rotation for Apache Ignite Transparent Data
> Encryption was implemented [1], but some security standards (PCI DSS
> at least) require rotation of all encryption keys [2]. Currently,
> encryption occurs when reading/writing pages to disk, cache encryption
> keys are stored in metastore.
> I'm going to contribute cache encryption key rotation and want to
> consult what is the best way to re-encrypting existing data, I see two
> different strategies.
> 1. In place re-encryption:
> Using the old key, sequentially read all the pages from the datastore,
> mark as dirty and log them into the WAL. After checkpoint pages will
> be stored to disk encrypted with the new key (as usual, along with
> updates). This strategy requires store the identifier (number) of the
> encryption key into the encrypted page.
> pros:
>   - can work in the background with minimal performance impact (this
> impact can be managed).
> cons:
>   - page duplication in the WAL may affect performance and historical
> rebalance.
> 2. Copy partition with re-encryption.
> This strategy is similar to partition snapshotting [3] - create
> partition copy encrypted with the new key and then replace the
> original partition file with the new one (see details [4]).
> pros:
>   - should work faster than "in place" re-encryption.
> cons:
>   - re-encryption in active cluster (and on unstable topology) can be
> difficult to implement.
> (See more detailed comparison [5])
> Re-encryption of existing data is a long and rare procedure (It is
> recommended to change the key every 6 months, but at least once every
> 2 years). Thus, re-encryption can be implemented for maintenance mode
> (for example, on a stable topology in a read-only cluster) and in such
> case the approach with partition copying seems simpler and faster.
> So, what do you think - do we need "online" re-encryption and which of
> the proposed options is best suited for this?
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-12186
> [2] https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/PCI_DSS_v3-2-1.pdf
> [3]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/IEP-43%3A+Cluster+snapshots#IEP-43:Clustersnapshots-Partitionscopystrategy
> [4]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=95652384#TDE.Phase-3.Cachekeyrotation.-Copywithre-encryptiondesign
> .
> [5]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=95652384#TDE.Phase-3.Cachekeyrotation.-Comparison

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