So one question I have here (and this maybe out of scope) - but what about
the cases where the result of a remote execution is a CompletionStage? In
this case, I would want to have a local CompletionStage which "represents"
the remote one. In other words when the remote one is completed, the value
should be sent back to the local node for completion the local stage. This
could even be "doubly asynchronous" - in other words, I executeAsync and the
result of that is a CompletionStage. Note that this differs from what is
supported today in that the result (the CompletionStage) is immediately
serialized back to the local node, which of course isn't what's needed. More
advanced would be the case where the result of the remote execution is a
CompleteableFuture in which case I may want the ability to cancel it
remotely as well.

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