Hello Nikolay, if i find out introduced features structure in some project, i 
would prefer to choose different one )
>>>Hello, Alexey.
>>>Think we can extend our @IgniteExperimental annotation.
>>>`@IgniteExperimental` - mark features that are truly experimental and can be 
>>>completely removed in future releases.
>>>`@NotRecommended` - mark features that widely adopted by the users but 
>>>implemented wrong or have known issues that can’t be fixed.
>>>`@NotStable` - mark features supported by community but API not stable and 
>>>can be reworked in the next release.
>>>`@Stable` - mark features that are completely OK and here to stay.
>>>We should output notes about these annotations in the JavaDoc, also.
>>>What do you think?
>>>> 8 дек. 2020 г., в 12:49, Alexey Goncharuk < alexey.goncha...@gmail.com > 
>>>> написал(а):
>>>> Igniters,
>>>> I want to tackle the topic of modules structure in Ignite 3. So far, the
>>>> modules in Ignite are mostly defined intuitively which leads to some
>>>> complications:
>>>> - Ignite public API is separated from the rest of the code only by
>>>> package name. This leads to private classes leaking to public API which is
>>>> very hard to catch even during the review process (we missed a bunch of
>>>> such leaks for new metrics API [1] and I remember this happening for almost
>>>> every SPI)
>>>> - Classes from 'internal' packages are considered to be 'free for grabs'
>>>> in every place of the code. This leads to tight coupling and abstraction
>>>> leakage in the code. An example of such a case - an often cast of
>>>> WALPointer to FileWALPointer, so that the community decided to get rid of
>>>> the WALPointer interface altogether [2]
>>>> - Overall code complexity. Because of the lack of inter-module
>>>> interaction rules, we are free to add new methods and callbacks to any
>>>> class, which leads to duplicating entities and verbose interfaces. A good
>>>> example of this is the clear duplication of methods in
>>>> IgniteCacheOffheapManager and IgniteCacheOffheapManager.DataStore [3]
>>>> I think we need to work out some rules that will help us define and control
>>>> both Ignite public API and module internal API which still defines a clear
>>>> contract for other modules. Some ideas:
>>>> - Perhaps we can move all user public classed and interfaces to an
>>>> Ignite-API module which will have no dependencies on implementation
>>>> modules. This will prevent private classes from leaking to the API module.
>>>> - We need somehow define which classes from a module are exposed to
>>>> other modules, and which classes are left for module-private usage. Maybe
>>>> Java's jigsaw will help us here, but maybe we will be ok with just more
>>>> strict java access modifiers usage :) The idea here is that a module should
>>>> never touch a dependent module's private classes, ever. The exported
>>>> classes and interfaces are still free to be modified between releases, as
>>>> long as it is not a user public API.
>>>> - A module should be logically complete, thus it may be beneficial if
>>>> module name matches with the code package it provides (e.g. configuration
>>>> -> org.apache.ignite.configuration, replication ->
>>>> org.apache.ignite.replication, raft->org.apache.ignite.raft, etc)
>>>> Any other principles/rules we can apply to make the code structure more
>>>> concise? Thoughts?
>>>> --AG
>>>> [1]  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-12552
>>>> [2]  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-13513
>>>> [3]  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-13220 

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