Hello, everyone!
Because there was no cons, I have started developing and I have pull request 
https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/8972 now.
Review it please.

> Sent: Friday, December 18, 2020 at 4:58 PM
> From: "¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿" <akkura...@mail.com>
> To: dev@ignite.apache.org
> Subject: Static hierarchy in jmx tree
> Hello, everyone!
> Ignite has a changeable jmx hierarchy now. It may lead a lot of problems for 
> product maintenance and monitoring:
>     - By default where would be classloader that change every time that node 
> has been restarted. It will lead to rediscover all metrics for node.
>     - It's hard to create a single template for different deployments. For 
> example we should have about 4 different templates for each combination of 
> classLoader and instanceName.
>     - It's hard for engineers to switch between different hierarchies. You 
> have to recreate anything you already have.
> I've created https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-12920 to change 
> this behavior. I am going to:
>     1. Change IGNITE_MBEAN_APPEND_CLASS_LOADER_ID default value to false
>     2. Use instanceName in any case. If this option is set, the value will be 
> used, otherwise use consistentId if it's null use nodeId
>     3. Add option IGNITE_MBEAN_APPEND_INSTANCE_NAME for backward 
> compatibility. True by default
>     4. Update documentation according to changes
> What do you think?
> Igor

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