Hi Igniters! If you planned to submit a talk to Ignite Summit someday, the
time has come! Call for Presentations is open until the end of the day
April 30, 11 PM PDT: https://sessionize.com/ignite-summit

Check the Summit Sneak Peek - you will be in good company!

   - Shahir Daya, IBM Distinguished Engineer, and CTO - How IBM Leverages
   Event-Driven Architecture with Apache Ignite for Core Application
   - Emmanuel Wiesenfeld, BNP Paribas CIB Lead Developer  - Apache Ignite
   as a Hybrid Transactional-Analytical Processing Solution at a Large
   Investment Bank
   - Alexey Goncharuk, GridGain Chief Architect & Querify Labs Chief
   Researcher, Apache Ignite PMC - Apache Ignite Storage Engine Architecture:
   Tradeoffs and a Retrospective

Please contact me if you have any questions about the Summit registration
or submission.


Devrel at GridGain
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