Sounds very reasonable to me.


Though the default comparator should be implemented very carefully
as we had issues with comparison of binary objects in 2.x

Best Regards,

On Thu, Sep 9, 2021 at 4:04 PM Pavel Tupitsyn <> wrote:

> Igniters,
> Tuple in Ignite 3.x is a replacement for BinaryObject in Ignite 2.x.
> Let's discuss equality and sorting.
> - We have multiple Tuple implementations, and our API allows custom,
> user-defined Tuples as well (which can be useful for performance when
> bridging Ignite with another system or importing the data from somewhere).
> - We don't have equals()/hashCode() overrides, so it is not possible to
> compare tuples or put them into a Map.
> Proposal:
> - Add public TupleComparator implements Comparator<Tuple>, based on the
> tuple contents (column names and values)
> - Implement common TupleComparator#hashCode(Tuple t) method that combines
> hash codes of column names and values
> - Implement equals(), hashCode(), and Comparable on all built-in tuples,
> delegate the logic to TupleComparator
> - Make Tuple extend Compable
> This way we cover all sorting/comparing/mapping scenarios for built-in
> tuples and provide reusable code for third-party implementations.
> Thoughts?

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