
The proposal looks good to me. Very detailed!

A couple comments:

1. There is a bit of a term mixup with "Connection ID", "Node ID", "Token"
- can you please review those?

2. > The Connection ID should be generated using a proper secure algorithm
(additional research is required here) to make sure an intruder can not
generate an existing Connection ID
Not sure about the reasoning here. I think randomUUID() should be enough:
- In the case of an unsecured cluster it does not matter, because anyone
can do anything.
- In the case of a secured cluster it does not matter, because
authentication/authorization keeps intruders out.

On Mon, May 16, 2022 at 11:07 PM Igor Sapego <isap...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi, Igniters
> I've prepared an IEP for Ignite 3 Client Lifecycle [1]. The main idea is to
> define client lifecycle as well as core algorithms and mechanisms used by
> clients. This proposal can be used as a reference for implementation of a
> new client for Ignite when dealing with such problems as:
>    - Resolving of user-provided addresses;
>    - Initial connection to a cluster;
>    - Maintaining cluster connection;
>    - Connection recovery;
>    - Connection break handling.
> So take a look and let me know what you think guys.
> [1] -
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/IEP-90+Client+Lifecycle
> Best Regards,
> Igor

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