Hello colleagues,

I have troubles invoking builds and re-runs from the team city bot interface.

If I click on the corresponding buttons ("Trigger build" or "Re-run possible blockers") it shows the "Internal Server Error [500]." in the UI and the chrome dev tools shows that bot backend actually return the following error message:


Service https://ci.ignite.apache.org/app/rest/buildQueue returned Invalid Response Code : 403:
Responding with error, status code: 403 (Forbidden).
Details: jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.auth.AccessDeniedException: You do not have "Comment build" permission in project with internal id: project17 Access denied. Check the user has enough permissions to perform the operation.


Is it a bug or I need more permissions in fact?

If my current permissions are not enough would you please give me more?

My teamcity user name is: serge.korotkov




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