Agree with the proposal.
Those properties go into config files (json/hocon), and it is difficult to
navigate to relevant docs from there.

I would go with point 3 - longer suffixes like Millis - to make it

On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 10:06 AM Roman Puchkovskiy <> wrote:

> Hi Igniters!
> In Ignite 3, in configuration schemas, we have some properties that
> define durations/intervals (usually, these are timeout durations).
> Almost always they are defined without mentioning the duration unit,
> like this:
> /** Node join timeout. */
> @Value(hasDefault = true)
> public int joinTimeout = 5_000;
> This makes a user puzzled about the unit of measure: it might be
> milliseconds (as it often is), but who knows.
> It seems beneficial to include the unit of measure in names of such
> properties, like joinTimeoutMs or joinTimeoutMillis.
> We might try to solve this via documentation, but, when a property
> name speaks by itself, we don't need to reach for the documentation at
> all, so it still seems better to have it in a name (and, if you edit a
> config file, reaching for documentation might be a bit more
> time-consuming than navigating to a method javadoc in an IDE).
> We could do one of the following:
> 1. Do not change the naming schema, just improve the documentation; we
> might also establish a strong convention of always having all
> durations in the same unit (like milliseconds) [there is a
> disadvantage: if we add a property that is naturally measured in, say,
> hours, we would still have to use millis, which would make
> configuration very cumbersome with all these zeros]
> 2. Use short suffixes (ns/ms/sec/min/hr/days): joinTimeoutMs. There is
> a problem with microseconds if we ever need them (how do we abbreviate
> it according to this style?)
> 3. Use longer suffixes (nanos/micros/millis/secs/mins/hours/days):
> joinTimeoutMillis. A bit longer than the previous one.
> 4. ... or something else?
> What do you think?

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