Hi, Igniters,

In process of investigation of a user request "Disable ignite console logs"
I've found inconsistency at implementations of IgniteLogger.isQuiet():
- Javadoc of the method says:
     * Tests whether {@code info} and {@code debug} levels are turned off.
     * @return Whether {@code info} and {@code debug} levels are turned off.
- IgniteJclLogger.isQuiet() implementation corresponds to javadoc.
- isQuiet() implementations for Log4JLogger and JavaLogger don't correspond
to javadoc and "quite" option related to IGNITE_QUITE system variable.

For me, the implementation of Log4JLogger is better and we should change
javadoc and change implementation of IgniteJclLogger accordingly. I've
filed a bug on it: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-923.

Any objections?

-- Artem --

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