Apache Impala people,

(if you don't contribute to Cloudera's native-toolchain project, you can
stop reading)

I just wanted to let you know about some changes being made to
native-toolchain, a project Cloudera hosts to make it easier to bootstrap
Impala's dependencies: https://github.com/cloudera/native-toolchain

Cloudera is in the process of branching a new major version of our distro,
CDH6.0, while continuing to maintain the old major version, CDH5.x.

To support that, native-toolchain has also been branched - master now
corresponds to CDH6.0, and there's a new 5.x branch.

This means that for now, most changes to native-toolchain that go into
master will also need to be cherry-picked onto 5.x. Given the low frequency
of commits to native-toolchain, we will probably not automate this process.

Thomas Tauber-Marshall

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