tldr; you have to run "rm -rf $IMPALA_TOOLCHAIN/orc-*"

This change has just been submitted:

It updates protobuf to version 3 and adds libunwind in preparation for
rebasing our KRPC code and to enable porting of more RPCs to KRPC. The new
toolchain build has orc built against protobuf version 3 and you will need
to re-download orc. Otherwise you will see linker errors like this one:

orc::proto::PostScript::ByteSizeLong() const: error: undefined reference to
int> const&)'

To re-download orc you can simply remove it by running "rm -rf
$IMPALA_TOOLCHAIN/orc-*" and rebuild. It will get downloaded automatically.

Apologies for the inconvenience and the required manual step. The
alternative would have been to create an empty patch for orc in our
toolchain, but we've discarded it as too hacky in the past.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Cheers, Lars

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