Here is the report I prepared for the board:

## Description:
The mission of Apache Impala is the creation and maintenance of software
related to a high-performance distributed SQL engine

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache Impala was founded 2017-11-14 (5 years ago)
There are currently 65 committers and 37 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 9:5.

Community changes, past quarter:
- Daniel Becker was added to the PMC on 2023-01-16
- Yida Wu was added as committer on 2023-01-20
- Li Penglin was added as committer on 2022-12-20
- Michael Smith was added as committer on 2022-11-07

## Project Activity:

The Impala community had implemented the following over the last three

- Improved support for Apache projects including Iceberg, Hadoop,
  Ozone, Thrift, Ranger, Hive, Parquet, Avro, Hudi, and Kudu
- Multiple dependency upgrades due to their CVEs
- Multiple tracing and debugging improvements
- Multiple fixes for flaky tests
- Numerous documentation fixes
- Some tightening of authorization constraints
- DDL support for bucketed tables
- Improved support for Docker and for Ubuntu 16.04
- Made the docs much prettier
- Added support for Aliyun Object Storage Service
- Fixed multiple crashes

## Community Health:

4.2.0 was released 2022-12-12.

reviews@ is the most reliable metric of Impala community activity
level. There were 2980 emails to that list in November, December, and
January. Impala remains a vibrant project.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sander Striker <>
Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 12:48 PM
Subject: Impala Board Report due by Wed Feb 8th - Initial Reminder
To: Jim Apple <>
Cc: <>


According to our records, you are listed as the chair of Impala,
a committee that is due to submit a report by Wed Feb 8th
for the next ASF board meeting. This is an initial reminder to prepare a
report for Impala and submit it as described below.

In the Apache governance model, the ASF board delegates responsibility for
managing projects to PMCs. This allows projects to govern themselves, in
terms of their own development goals, guidelines, and volunteer spirit,
within the scope of our purpose as an open source foundation. The state
allows us to provide an umbrella of corporate protection to our projects
and volunteers, but only to the extent that we retain active and effective
oversight of each project's operation on behalf of the public's interest.

To enable the board to provide oversight across the foundation, each PMC
is tasked with providing the board a quarterly report on the health of
their project. This allows us to hear your heartbeat, to see the project
through your eyes, and to inform the public through our meeting minutes.

Thank you for being a responsible project chair and helping us maintain
oversight over the Apache Software Foundation. If, for whatever reason,
a full report is not possible by the deadline, please report just that.
It's okay to postpone a report by a month.

Please note that we will be reviewing and approving these reports,
asynchronously, during the week prior to our scheduled board meeting.
Reports received after Wed Feb 8th will be postponed to the
next regular meeting. Please try to submit your report early.

Submitting your report

Full details about reporting to the board are at

Please be aware that the board is looking for your personal observations,
assessment, and ideas, not just raw statistics.

Chairs may use one of several mechanisms to submit or edit their report:

 a) the Apache Reporter Service

 b) the Whimsy online agenda tool

 c) carefully editing and committing changes to the dated agenda in

 d) or, if none of the above work, send an email to with
    Subject: [REPORT] Impala

If you believe it won't be possible to prepare a report before the deadline,
or if the PMC is aware that the Chair is unavailable, please report that
and we can reschedule or have someone else report on your behalf.

Attending the Board Meeting

The formal board meeting (usually an online videoconference) will be held at

  Wed, 15 Feb 2023 at 22:00 UTC

which in other time zones is

As always, chairs and ASF members are welcome to attend the board meeting.
However, in most cases, we will not be using meeting time to discuss reports
unless you specifically request time to speak in person.

During the week prior to the meeting, the directors will read the received
reports, make comments (if any) within the agenda tool, discuss those
comments on the board and/or private committee lists, and vote to approve.

If we have comments on a report, we will forward them during the
review and attempt to complete any associated action items as well.
This will allow us to be more responsive to project needs and give you
an opportunity to expand on your report if additional details are
requested prior to the meeting.

Regular board meetings are held monthly, as scheduled at

Requesting a Board Action

If you want the board to make a decision related to your report, such as
changing the chair, establishing a new committee, or allocating a budget
for something related to Impala, you should author a resolution
for that purpose or ask a director to do so for you.

To make this easier, there are several templates we use for common board
resolutions. They can be found in

or accessible within the Whimsy online agenda tool

If you do place a resolution before the board and that resolution
has not been preapproved before the board meeting, you are encouraged
to attend the meeting in person to address any last-minute questions
or concerns that might arise.

The ASF Board

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