Hi all,
We had to bump the Kudu version again so unfortunately you'll have to refresh your environment again to get the latest Kudu. After fetching the latest Impala commits (including commit 39017adf) and rebasing, you'll need to: 1) start a new shell OR make sure to export IMPALA_TOOLCHAIN_BUILD_ID=308-96a4cc516e 2) Run buildall.sh, that will: a) download the new Kudu bits in the toolchain by calling bootstrap_toolchain.py (or you can do so yourself) b) restart the minicluster with the new kudu >From Lars: If you don't want to mess with your pane layout in tmux you can run tmux respawn-pane -k to kill and replace the current pane with an entirely fresh shell. I bind this to a shortcut in my tmux config like so: bind K respawn-pane -k