I'm seeing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IMPALA-5700 when trying to
bootstrap a new development environment on an EC2 machine with Ubuntu
14.04, 250GB of free disk space and over 60GB of free memory. I've seen
this with and without the -so flag.

I'm running the below script, which I thought was the canonical way to
bootstrap a development environment. When catalog doesn't start, I don't
see anything amiss in any of the logs. I was thinking that maybe a port is
closed that should be open? I only have port 22 open in my ec2 config.

Has anyone else fixed a problem like this before?

#!/bin/bash -eux


sudo apt-get install --yes git

sudo apt-get install --yes openjdk-7-jdk

# JAVA_HOME needed by chef scripts
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/$(ls -tr /usr/lib/jvm/ | tail -1)"
$JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -version

# TODO: check that df . is large enough.
df -h .


cd "/home/$(whoami)"

git checkout "${IMPALA_REPO_BRANCH}"
git log --pretty=oneline >"${GIT_LOG_FILE}"
head "${GIT_LOG_FILE}"


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