See the docs on LOAD DATA:

"In the interest of speed, only limited error checking is done. If the
loaded files have the wrong file format, different columns than the
destination table, or other kind of mismatch, Impala does not raise
any error for the LOAD DATA statement. Querying the table afterward
could produce a runtime error or unexpected results. Currently, the
only checking the LOAD DATA statement does is to avoid mixing together
uncompressed and LZO-compressed text files in the same table."

To reload CSV data as parquet using Impala, you'd have to create a
table for the CSV data, then do an 'insert into [parquet table] select
[...] from [csv_table]'.


On 12 October 2017 at 07:58, sky <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>     How does the parquet table perform load data operations? How does a CSV 
> file import into the parquet table?

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