I am in favor of graduation.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 2:17 PM, Todd Lipcon <t...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hey Impala community,
> It's been a while that all of the Impala infrastructure has been moved
> over, and the community appears to be functioning healthily, generating new
> releases on a regular cadence as well as adding new committers and PPMC
> members. All of the branding stuff seems great, and the user mailing list
> has a healthy amount of traffic and a good track record of answering
> questions when they come up.
> As a mentor I think it's probably time to discuss graduation. The project
> is already functioning in the same way as your typical Apache TLP and it
> seems like it's time to become one.
> Any thoughts? If everyone is on board, the next step would be:
> 1. Pick the initial PMC chair for the TLP. According to the published
> Impala Bylaws it seems that this is meant to rotate annually, so no need to
> stress too much about it.
> A couple obvious choices here would be Marcel (as the original founder of
> the project) or perhaps Jim (who has done yeoman's work on a lot of the
> incubation process, podling reports, etc). Others could certainly volunteer
> or be nominated as well.
> 2. Draft a Resolution for the PPMC and IPMC to vote upon.
> -- the resolution would include the above-decided chair as well as the list
> of initial PMC, etc.
> -- the Initial PMC could be just the current list of PPMC, or you could
> consider adding others at this point as well.
> I can help with the above process but figured I'd solicit opinions first on
> whether the communit feels it's ready to graduate.
> Thanks
> Todd

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