Hi Justin,

How about the following modifications:

> 1. Why is license information being mentioned in NOTICE? All license
information should go in LICENSE.

Remove all license information out of NOTICE, and copy all content of
NOTICEs from all bundled dependencies to our NOTICE?

> 2. Why is the General Public License (GPL) license mentioned? (It’s a
Category X license)

I check the content and find that we use `javax.annotation`, which uses
CDDL and GPL double license.
I think it is ok that we use the dependence according to CDDL. So just
removing the content about GPL is ok, I think.

> 3.  Why are dependancies (JUnit / Hamscrest) which I assume are not
bundled mentioned?

I think we can remove them out of the NOTICE and LICENSE.

> 4. Why are the binaries mentioned in the source release? Please make
seperate LICENSE and NOTICE for the source and binary releases.

Do we need to maintain 4 files: LICENSE, NOTICE,  LICENSE-binary, and

> In LICENSE it also seem you are listing dependancies rather than what is
bundled in the source release?

According to [1] (BUNDLED VS. NON-BUNDLED DEPENDENCIES), only the  (binary)
jars and java (source) files that written by the third part are bundled.

The dependencies that claimed in pom.xml  will be downloaded automatically
from the Maven Repository when the user compile the source code, so they
can be considered as non-bundled. Are these dependencies can be removed
from the LICENSE?

[1] http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> 于2019年7月24日周三 上午6:47写道:

> HI,
> I took a quick look at NOTICE and something is not right:
> 1. Why is license information being mentioned in NOTICE? All license
> information should go in LICENSE.
> 2. Why is the General Public License (GPL) license mentioned? (It’s a
> Category X license)
> 3. Why are dependancies (JUnit / Hamscrest) which I assume are not bundled
> mentioned?
> 4. Why are the binaries mentioned in the source release? Please make
> seperate LICENSE and NOTICE for the source and binary releases.
> In LICENSE it also seem you are listing dependancies rather than what is
> bundled in the source release?
> Thanks,
> Justin

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