
The same question with Lei Rui. Show the codes is better.

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Lei Rui <nezhaleg...@163.com> 于2019年9月11日周三 上午10:32写道:

> Hi,
> I am also confused about the "six times worse" when creating timeseries.
> Could you propose a draft pull request to IoTDB so that we can have a look
> at your code implementation?
> Sincerely,
> Lei Rui
> On 9/11/2019 09:25,安彦哲<thss15_a...@163.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to solve [IoTDB-164](
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/IOTDB/issues/IOTDB-164?filter=allopenissues).
> To accomplish
> the task, I've modified the structure of MTree and replace Path(String) of
> several Maps with ID(Long), including
> latestTimeForEachDevice and latestFlushedTimeForEachDevice in the
> org.apache.iotdb.db.engine.storagegroup.StorageGroupProcessor.java
> memTableMap in the
> org.apache.iotdb.db.engine.memtable.AbstractMemTable.java
> Then, I've carried out a simple experiment:
> create 200,000 timeseries in the same storage group
> insert 10 tuples(<timestamp, value>) into each of timeseries
> The result shows that
> Step 1: the original version costs 25138.8ms while the modified one costs
> 177753ms. It concludes that the modified version
> performs six times worse than the original version when creating
> timeseries.
> Step 2: the original version costs 213662.8ms while the modified one costs
> 194271.2ms. It concludes that the modified version
> performs nine percent better than the original version when inserting
> values.
> In addition, we don't usually create too many timeseries, while insertion
> is the most frequently used operation in IoTDB. I'm confused
> whether we should apply the modified version. If anyone knows more about
> this topic, please inform me.
> Best,
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Yanzhe An
> School of Software, Tsinghua University
> | |
> 安彦哲
> |
> |
> thss15_a...@163.com
> |
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