Thanks Dawei.
Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Dawei Liu <> 于2020年4月3日周五 下午11:53写道:

> 大家好,
> 很开心又一次与大家分享 IoTDB 社区周报。
> 周报经过了 2 周的发布,也收到了热情的反馈,我们根据建议更新周报模板,更让大家容易理解 IoTDB 的发展
> 祝周末愉快
> [一周寄语]
> 1. 不忘记每一个因疫情逝去的人
> 2. 性能优化的pr要记得加测试结果
> [本周大事件]
> 1. 分布式版本正在开发,Raft日志持久化、节点增删等功能(欢迎各位加入🔥)
>    #958 Serialize raft log
>    #975 Refactoring raft log module
> 2. 0.10 版本在线升级工具,火热开发中 (欢迎各位加入🔥)
>    #983 Upgrade tool
> 3. SQL 语法 PreviousFill,GroupByFill 主体框架成型 (欢迎各位加入🔥)
>    #931 Accelerate Previous Fill
>    #854 Group By Fill
> 4. IOTDB-573 构造 AbstractIoTDBThread 类来管理所有异常
> 5. 合并了新的 TsFile 文件结构,写入速度与原结构相同,
>    但原始数据查询快了30%,聚合查询快了70%,count(*)查询快了80%
>    有兴趣了解更新项 欢迎访问 #855
> 6. 与官网仓库合二为一、在 Session 接口中增加中文字符支持、以及优化 SeriesReader、TimeGenerator 等等
> Thanks
> ---
> Dawei Liu
> > 2020年4月3日 下午11:51,Dawei Liu <> 写道:
> >
> > Dear community,
> >
> >
> > I am very happy to share with you again the IoTDB weekly news.
> >
> > The weekly has been published for 2 weeks and received enthusiastic
> feedback.
> > we update the weekly report template according to the suggestion,
> > more let people easy to understand IoTDB development.
> >
> > Have a good weekend.
> >
> > [Message Board]
> > 1. Don't forget everyone who died from the COVID-19
> > 2. Add performance testing result for every performance optimization PR
> >
> > [Big Event]
> > 1. Distributed version is developing, Raft log persistence,
> >   add or delete nodes, and other functions (welcome to join🔥)
> >   #958 Serialize raft log
> >   #975 Refactoring raft log module
> >
> > 2. 0.10 online upgrade tools are developing (welcome to join🔥)
> >   #983 Upgrade tool
> >
> > 3. SQL - PreviousFill,GroupByFill are developing (welcome to join🔥)
> >   #931 Accelerate Previous Fill
> >   #854 Group By Fill
> >
> > 4. IOTDB-573 Construct AbstractIoTDBThread and catch all Exception
> >
> >
> > 5. The new TsFile structure was merged and written at the same speed as
> the original structure,
> >   but 30% faster for the original data query,
> >   70% faster for the aggregate query,
> >   and 80% faster for the count(*) query
> >   Welcome to #855 if you are interested in learning about updates
> >
> > 6. Merge with the official website repository,
> >   add Chinese character support in the Session interface,
> >   and optimize the SeriesReader, TimeGenerator, etc
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> > ---
> > Dawei Liu
> >
> >
> >

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