Hi Dawei,

Welcome back!

Thanks for ur sharing : )

Zesong Sun
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

> 2020年6月20日 01:23,Dawei Liu <atoi...@163.com> 写道:
> 大家好,
> 很开心又一次与大家分享 IoTDB 社区周报。
> [本周大事件]
> * 我们计划每2-3周举行一次在线讨论,以便让更多的贡献者能够深入交流。
> * IoTDB 社区的成熟度评估(draft)已经发布,欢迎各位审阅[1].
> * 0.10.0-RC4 正在投票,欢迎检查并发表意见和建议!
> * 新增加了 "show latest timeseries"功能, 
> 该功能按照timeseries中最后一个点的时间戳降序输出,可以更方便地知道哪些时序还在写数据.
> * 优化了 MTree
> * 分享一个内存开销的实验结果,在MTree中保存2千万的时序元数据大约需要 7G 内存.
> [1]https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=148645763 
> [in-progress]
> * 新增 MTree 的检查点,加快当数据库中存在非常多的时序数据时的重启恢复速度。目前2千万数据大概需要花费2分钟。
> * 新增对存储引擎、查询引擎、memTable 以及每个TsFile的索引内存控制。
> * 新增基于时间范围删除数据的语句
> [bug fix]
> [IOTDB-765] 修复当使用HDFS存储时,获取 upgrade.txt 文件产生的错误
> [IOTDB-769] [To rel/0.10] 修复当使用PLAIN编码时,FLOAT/DOUBLE丢失精度的问题
> [IOTDB-762] 修复设置versionInfo时产生的 IndexOutofBound 错误
> [IOTDB-772] 优化 WinOS 下 start-server.sh 脚本中的 java 命令过长
> 修复重启时死锁的bug
> [IOTDB-761]cherry-picked from v0.10: 修复 flink-tsfile-connecto 和 
> flink-example工程中的依赖冲突: "Some Enforcer rules have failed. Look above for 
> specific messages explaining why the rule failed"
> Fix spark tsfile bug in 0.9.4/0.10.1 and 0.11.0
> 祝各位周末愉快
> Thanks
> -----
> Dawei Liu
> On 06/20/2020 01:15,Dawei Liu<atoi...@163.com> wrote:
> Dear community,
> I'd like to share the weekly report for you this week.
> [Big Event]
> * We plan to hold online-discussion every 2-3 weeks to let contributors 
> communicate more deeply.
> * Maturity Evaluation draft of IoTDB is published, please have a review [1]
> * We are voting the 0.10.0-RC4 now, please check and vote!
> * A new feature: "show latest timeseries", for showing the latest active 
> timeseries, i.e., ordering all timeseries according to how long the series 
> has not written new data.
> * The MTree is optimized
> * Memory cost experiment, 20M time series metadata in MTree takes about 7G 
> memory.
> [1]  
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=148645763
> [in-progress]
> * Check point of MTree to accelerate the restart process when there are many 
> timeseries. It takes about 2 minutes for 20M timeseries.
> * Memory control of storage engine, query engine, flushing memtable, index of 
> each tsfile
> * Support time range Deletion
> [bug fix]
> [IOTDB-765] Fix failed to get upgrade.txt file when using HDFS storage
> [IOTDB-769] [To rel/0.10] fix precision lost when using PLAIN for FLOAT/DOUBLE
> [IOTDB-762] Fix set version IndexOutofBound
> [IOTDB-772] The start-server.sh uses tool long java command in WinOS
> Fix Restart deadlock bug
> [IOTDB-761]cherry-picked from v0.10: flink-tsfile-connecto and flink-example 
> dependency conflict: "Some Enforcer rules have failed. Look above for 
> specific messages explaining why the rule failed"
> Fix spark tsfile bug in 0.9.4/0.10.1 and 0.11.0
> Have a great weekend.
> Thanks
> ——
> Dawei Liu

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