Hi all,

I submitted a PR[1] to support range delete for a timeseries. JIRA issue is [2].

Now the "delete from ..." SQL support specifying a range in the where 
expression.  The where expression may contain Lt/LE, Gt/GE, EQ, AND with two 
Lt/LE, Gt/GE, EQs.
The deletion range is represented by a [startTime, endTime] interval in current 

The record format in Mods file has been changed as well. For a deletion SQL:
"delete from root.sg.d0.s0 where time <= 100 and time >= 50"
Assuming the version number is 10, then it will leave a line "root.sg.d0.s0, 
10, 50, 100" in the Mods file.
For Mods files with only one "endTime" timestamp in previous version, the query 
engine will recognize it as having a [0, endtime] deletion range.

Please leave your opinions.

[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb/pull/1400
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IOTDB-627


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