
Bugs always appear, but we will kill them one by one.

I list the fixed bug since 0.10.0, it's time to consider releasing 0.10.1

* [IOTDB-797] InsertTablet deserialization from WAL error
* [IOTDB-788] Can not upgrade all storage groups
* [IOTDB-792] deadlock when insert while show latest timeseries
* [IOTDB-794] Rename file or delete file Error in start check in Windows
* [IOTDB-795] BufferUnderflowException in Hive-connector 
* [IOTDB-766] Do not release unclosed file reader, a small memory leak
* [IOTDB-796] Concurrent Query throughput is low
* Query result is not correct when some unsequence data exists

Have I missed any? And, is there anyone wants to be the RM of 0.10.1 :)

Jialin Qiao
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

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